Our Mission
The Fund was established to support a Distinguished Speakers’ Programme and, subsequently, postgraduate scholarships in dental sleep medicine/orofacial pain in honour of Dr. Edmund Tay Mai Hiong. As the founding Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry and former Professor of Prosthetic Dentistry, he helped shape the study and teaching of dentistry during the school's formative years and contributed towards our dental school's reputation of the producing graduates of international standing. This endowment recognizes his contributions and furthers his aspirations for our profession.
- Raising knowledge and awareness of sleep and airway issues in dentistry
Initially, the gift will be used to fund expenses to engage distinguished speakers to conduct annual lectures and/or teaching programmes in the fields of dental sleep medicine, airway-centric dentistry and orofacial pain.
- Sponsorship of local candidates
In addition to the ETMH distinguished speaker programme, the endowment will also offer full or partial scholarships to suitable Singaporean dentists to pursue full-time university-based residency programmes in dental sleep medicine/orofacial pain.
Our purpose of establishing this NUS Endowment is to not only to raise awareness of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) but to empower and recruit dentists as front line professionals in its early detection. We strongly believe the informed dentist, working together with a team of dedicated sleep experts, has the potential to be a major factor in the co-management of many sleep-related disorders, not only OSA.
“As dean of the dental faculty, my aim was the ultimate development of biologically orientated, technically capable and socially sensitive dental surgeons who are fully aware of the significance of their contribution to the total care of their patients.”